Thursday, July 10, 2003

Why Europe Will Not Save Mankind from Howling Barbarism (aka Islam)

If anyone has doubts that America is the only power capable of defending civilization against the legions of Mordor, read the links below.

A nation that acts in such a manner is dying. Britain is by far the best of the lot. France and Germany actively pander to the savages; Russia routinely disses us even though fighting our fight in Chechnya. In the US, we kill people who "need killing" (as they say in Tejas). Only a nation with the will to do so can successfully defend liberty.

I mentioned this a few days back. Here's some of the story...

Tony Martin will not be released from jail. He will remain inside for the crime of defending his property for the full five year period of his sentance (he was initially sentanced to life).
The parole board just decided that he poses an unacceptable threat to people who may in the future break into his home .....

Here's more on "burglar's rights"...

Government lawyers trying to keep the Norfolk farmer Tony Martin behind bars will tell a High Court judge tomorrow that burglars are members of the public who must be protected from violent householders.


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