Monday, July 07, 2003

Yes! It's the RonCo Voice-O-Matic!

All & Sundry (especially Fingers & The Voice):

Coming Soon: The Ronco Voice-A-Matic

In 2002, Line6 debuted their GuitarPortproduct, an interface through which electric guitarists can plug their trusty Stratocaster or Les Paul into the USB port of their computer. As part of its software, it allows guitarists to download patches that are often excellent recreations of the tones used by Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, and other guitar heroes. I have no doubt that within a few years, a similar product will be available for budding vocalists. Who do you want to sound like? Al Green? Paul Rodgers? Barbra Streisand? Aretha Franklin? Simply dial in a patch and sing into the Ronco Voice-A-Matic!

Read the whole article.

Knowing Microsoft, I'd wind up playing guitar like Al Green and singing like Jeff Beck. Hmmmmm......



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