(Looney) Toons For Our Times...
Straight from the Acme School of Looney Leftist Internationalism comes this hysterical screed. I mean "hysterical" in every sense possible:
I can hear the goose-stepping jackboots now...
Good riddance. I'll contribute to your ticket fund: one-way, to France or Pakistan (our choice), non-refundable
And, by implication, the bombs were planted by Devil Dubya's Evil Minions....Mwa ha ha! Why! Do! You! Think! This! Madman! Wants! More! Nukes!?! -- see Red Leader: I have read Michael Moore
Why, yes. Thank you for asking.
I like the way that rolls out....Devil Dubya: Soooper Geeenius!
And so on...
What a maroon!
A' b'de a'b'de a'bde . . . that's all folks!
Yahoo! News Wed, Jul 09, 2003
Whether, Not Who, is the Question About the 2004 Election
By Ted Rall
NEW YORK--He has canceled elections in Iraq. He will probably cancel them in Afghanistan. Will George W. Bush put the kibosh on elections in the United States next year?
I can hear the goose-stepping jackboots now...
People who have spoken out against Bush are talking exit strategy--not Alec Baldwin style, just to make a statement, but fleeing the U.S. in order to save their skins.
Good riddance. I'll contribute to your ticket fund: one-way, to France or Pakistan (our choice), non-refundable
To these people, whether or not the 2004 elections actually take place as scheduled is the ultimate test for American democracy. At Guantánamo Bay the United States is converting a concentration camp into a death camp where inmates will be executed without due process or legal representation. It's easy to come up with a scenario in which canceling the 2004 election could be made to appear reasonable. Imagine that, a few weeks before Election Day, "dirty bombs" detonate simultaneously in New York and Washington. Government, media and political institutions and personnel lie ruined in smoking rubble and ash; hundreds of thousands of people have been murdered. The economy, already teetering on the precipice, is shoved into depression. How could we conduct elections under such conditions?
And, by implication, the bombs were planted by Devil Dubya's Evil Minions....Mwa ha ha! Why! Do! You! Think! This! Madman! Wants! More! Nukes!?! -- see Red Leader: I have read Michael Moore
The Cold War lasted 46 years; does Bush intend to remain in office that long?
Why, yes. Thank you for asking.
Still, you have to hand it to him: The fact that Democrats are terrified of ending up imprisoned by an American Reich is the ultimate tribute to Bush's artful bullying--and sad confirmation of the impotence of his would-be, should-be opponents.
I like the way that rolls out....Devil Dubya: Soooper Geeenius!
And so on...
What a maroon!
A' b'de a'b'de a'bde . . . that's all folks!
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